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Surgical Robots with Artificial Intelligence: A Balanced Perspective on Their Impact in Surgical Nursing

March 15, 20242 min read

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into surgical robots is transforming the landscape of surgical nursing. These AI-powered robots are now increasingly being used to assist in surgeries, significantly increasing precision and reducing human error1. This article aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of this innovative technology, focusing on its benefits and drawbacks in surgical nursing.

Artificial intelligence in surgical robots offers several advantages. Firstly, it improves the precision of surgical procedures. By providing surgeons with detailed information about the patient's condition, these robots can enhance surgical outcomes2.

Secondly, AI-driven robots can handle a vast amount of data, serving as a learning tool for surgeons at all levels3. This can lead to improved surgical techniques and better patient outcomes.

Furthermore, these robots can play a supportive role in both surgical procedures and the operating room, increasing the efficiency of the surgical team4.

In addition, AI in surgical robots can boost their systems' ability to perceive complex in vivo environments, conduct decision-making, and perform desired tasks5.

Lastly, the use of AI and robotic surgery enables surgeons to be less invasive and more patient-specific than ever before6.

Despite these significant benefits, the use of AI in surgical robots also presents certain challenges. One of the main concerns is the need for extensive training. Surgical nurses must learn to operate these robots, which can be both time-consuming and costly7.

Additionally, while AI-powered robots can enhance surgical precision, they cannot completely eliminate the risk of complications. Surgeons must remain vigilant and prepared to intervene when necessary8.

The high cost of procuring and maintaining these robots is another drawback. The financial burden can be substantial, particularly for smaller healthcare institutions9.

Moreover, there is the risk of overreliance on technology. While AI can assist in surgeries, it should not replace the critical clinical judgment of surgeons10.

In conclusion, while AI in surgical robots represents a significant advancement in surgical technology, its integration into surgical nursing presents both opportunities and challenges. As we continue to adopt this technology, it is crucial to address these challenges to fully harness its potential benefits.


  1. "AI Is Poised to “Revolutionize” Surgery | ACS". https://www.facs.org/for-medical-professionals/news-publications/news-and-articles/bulletin/2023/june-2023-volume-108-issue-6/ai-is-poised-to-revolutionize-surgery/

  2. "Artificial Intelligence With Robotics in Healthcare". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10287569/

  3. "Four Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Robotic Surgery". https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/02/15/four-ways-artificial-intelligence-can-benefit-robotic-surgery/

  4. "Can artificial intelligence and robotic nurses replace...". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10066009/

  5. "AI in Surgery: Opportunities, Applications, and Challenges". https://nextgeninvent.com/blogs/ai-in-surgery-opportunities-applications-and-challenges/

  6. "How Advances in AI and Robotic Surgery Will Affect...". https://www.thenursingbeat.com/articles/how-advances-in-ai-and-robotic-surgery-will-affect-nurses-and-apps

  7. "Can artificial intelligence and robotic nurses replace...". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10066009/

  8. "AI in Surgery: Opportunities, Applications, and Challenges". https://nextgeninvent.com/blogs/ai-in-surgery-opportunities-applications-and-challenges/

  9. "Can artificial intelligence and robotic nurses replace...". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10066009/

  10. "The power of AI in surgery". https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/contributed-power-ai-surgery

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